Monday, May 19, 2014

Linked Dreams

I was slightly startled the other morning when my alarm went off. The first thought that went through my head was: why in the world is my alarm going off at 7am on a Sunday. As I rolled over and shut the screeching noise off(the bell chime on my Iphone), I thought about my dream and started to go back to sleep. Then the next alarm went off again. (Yes, I have to set more than one alarm to make sure I really get up and not fall back to sleep.) I groaned and realized it wasn't Sunday, but Monday and if I didn't get my butt in gear I was going to be late for work. Yet, as I started my day, I kept thinking of my dream. It was about a few people in my past. Ones that I haven't talked to in years. This has been going on for a few weeks now(I have no clue why. Maybe there are unspoken words that still linger with me after all these years). Anyway, I started to think. What if the person I was dreaming about was dreaming the same dream about me too. Like our dreams are linked. A full action packed movie with different point of views but mainstreamed through our thoughts.
Picture this: Although these old friends may not have started out in the same place of the dream as I did. Once we came in contact during the dream our minds linked. So if someone was watching the motion picture the screen until we synced would switch vantage points following each of us. You would get an up close in-depth view of each person before they meet. And then while the dream twists and turns (in the weird way that dream never really make sense once you wake up) you the viewer would know the ins and outs of why each person (and the dream for that matter) goes in the direction you really have no choice but to follow.
I thought that would be kind of neat, knowing something from our past was able to link us together and even though we were no longer friends (since we parted on most likely bad terms) we still could kind of communicate in the same wild adventure of a dream.
Then I wounder if I just need to look into what dreams mean and figure out why I have such weird ones all the time. Maybe it's because those friendships did end on bad terms and there are still a lot of unresolved issues. Ha! that could be the link too.
What are your thoughts? Any dream analyst out there?      

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