Since the last time we spoke, we've unpacked pretty much everything besides 3 boxes of stuff we probably should have thrown away before we moved. Maybe I'll chuck them come spring cleaning. Most of the rooms are set up, besides this one room that I think has become the cat room (we believe it used to be the dinning room before the addition was built.) There are cat toys scattered all over it, and my plump furry baby is loving his very own space. We are still in the process of setting up the office and I really need new curtain as we still have the ones up that we purchased the house with...I'm pretty sure some of them are older than I am. Hubby and I have tackled the front garden however we planted annual plants and not perennial plants so next year we will be reworking the land. To top off our new adventure (it's been 4 months already!) we have successfully hosted a game night and 2 cookouts.
My health has improved also since we talked. There was no damage to my heart from the bout of acute chest syndrome, but I have in the last few months had flare ups with the sickle cell crisis (nothing to be done about that #weneedacureforsicklecell). The dentist was able to replace the filling that popped out a few months ago, but in the last month I have chipped a tooth and found out that on another tooth I may possibly need my first root canal. I'll update you after the 11th on that one.
I haven't written much in the way of stories, and I missed this year's deadline for the Halloween Anthology my writing group publishes (sorry! I hope to have a story...a romance nonetheless for next year), but I have been in the process of reading and editing a friend's novel. I'm beyond excited for Rose Choate! I know her book will be a hit with readers and I am honored to be able to say I was one of the first to read it. I won't say much more about it now as I mentioned it is still in the editing stages, but keep your eyes peeled for her work.
Before I throw a bunch of pictures up here, I want to say thank you for coming back to read my blog. I know it's been a while and I haven't posted many book reviews, spotlighted fellow authors, or gone on some dumb rant. I have thought about it, many of times, but this year has thrown my routine in some ways upside down. I hope as the cooler months approach I will be able to sit back down and connect with you and also do more writing. I've missed it so much and I think all of my excuses are running out. Book 3 of The Chronicles of Amber Harris awaits...Amber is not happy with me for making her wait (you would think for a vampire, by now patience would be second nature). The second book of Hideaway Hill needs to be released...I hope to find a publisher for the book (have you read Hideaway Hill yet? There should be no excuse as to why not if you have an ereader. Hideaway Hill is FREE on Kindle (Amazon), Nook (Barnes and Noble) and other eforms at Smashwords). I've thought about working on a Frozen 2, Verick's challenge to overcome any and every obstacle placed in front of him, has me rubbing my hands together saying "game on", or for you HIMYM fans in the words of Barney Stinson, "Challenge Accepted". Plus, I have a new series I want to start on too. I'm thinking about calling the series The Royal Secrets.
If you read this post, and have a minute drop by the blog and say, "hi". I would love to connect with my readers. Also, and this will be for a limited time. Have you checked out my stories? If not, head over to my books and look at the descriptions. If there is one that interest you, let me know and a few people will receive FREE ebook copies. Authors, if you're looking for a spotlight, also reach out and I'll make sure to post your book on here.
Okay, okay, I know the that the only reason you stuck around? (j/k)
The House:
The Front Yard:

The Backyard:
The you seen the little bit of curtain that somehow got in the picture?:
The new weekend routine:
Other pic of the living room:
Did I tell you I had babies? Yup, I am now the proud mom of snails:
The paint job...#legitgrouponpaintjob:
Just me...Heading out to a friend's wedding:
And finally the Insane 5K Inflatable Race my mom and I did this past weekend:
Nice to see you back. A new house can be so-o time consuming, but so much fun. Looking forward to more of your post in the future......Rick Iekel
ReplyDeleteYes, it's feels great to be back. I hate that I let time get away from me, but sometimes you can't help it. The house is time consuming, but we are totally loving it. Thank you for the kind words, Rick, sometimes I feel like I'm talking to myself on here.
DeleteOh how I have missed your writing! Looking forward to hearing what stories you are cooking up. :)
ReplyDeleteThank you, Jen! Maybe we can sit down one day and finish working up the family tree, and names for the next new adventure.