Sunday, May 15, 2016

Moving Forward

I know, I know, it has been a LONG time since my last post. I'm truly sorry. For those of you who have read my blog so far this year, you know that 2016 started out rough. However, through the sickness, the loss of a close writing buddy and other life stresses I'm still here and still going strong. I even have good news, or well what I hope to be good news, as of this coming week we (that guy I married, (my prince times) and our four legged hairy child) will be closing on a house. Yup, that's right Elle will soon be a homeowner, cue nail biting scary music. As of right now, I have no pictures to share of the house, but don't worry, as we move and settle in there will be plenty of pictures. And I'm sure I'll be asking lots of DIY fix-it questions along the way.

I've written this blog in my head many times since we last spoke and I have to tell you, it feels freaking amazing to finally sit down and chat with all of...even if it can sometimes be a one-sided conversation. All good, I know you're out there.

As some of you may know, the creative writing group that I belong to has produced a Halloween Anthology every year for the past four years. This year will be our 5th! With that, I would like to hear your thoughts on what my story should be about this year. What genre would you be interested in me conquering this year? I'm open to ideas and would love your feedback. I will be adding last year's story, The Isle of Toothsome, to my growing collection offered on smashwords. If you haven't yet hop over to smashwords and download your copy for free.

Speaking of free, my first romance novel, Hideaway Hill is free on kindle, nook, and smashwords via ebook. On Amazon, Hideaway Hill has held a place in the top 100 Best Sellers list under Relationship/Love&Romance for the past 3 weeks. Make sure to download a copy and please tell a friend. Below are links to the free ebooks.

Once we have moved and the dust settles, I will be working on edits for the send book in the Hideaway Hill series and I will also be working on and finishing book 3 of the Chronicles of Amber Harris- cue beads of sweat rolling down my pressure at all.

Before I sign off for the night, I would like to say thank you. There are millions of things you could be doing right now, and the fact that you've taken time to read my blog is one of the most wonderful things to me. I hope you've enjoyed my update and I look forward to your feedback for the Halloween story.

Hideaway Hill:
Smashwords (various ebook formats)-

Fantasy Tales (3 short stories-various ebook formats):