Thursday, December 31, 2015

Saying Goodbye to 2015

Greetings to all!

I wanted to share one last post with all of you as this year comes to an end. As I look back on 2015 I reflect on the lessons I've learned, the tasks I've conquered, the friends and loved ones I've lost, the ups and downs, and the laughs and tears I've share with what I know is an awesome group of people.

I'm not sure about you, but I mourn the ending of each year. The 2015 road has thrown a lot of curve balls, put me in front of plenty forks in the road and left me gaping at huge mountains that, after climbing, I realized was nothing more than a small pebble lodged in my shoe. But it was all worth it. This year, like every year helps mold me and push me to be a better person (At least in my mind...I would hope that is how others would see me.) Which makes me look forward to the adventures of the coming year.

Okay, okay, I'm not going to write some long sappy message. If you're reading this tonight I won't hold you up from getting your groove on. Please be safe out there. If you're going to drink, please, please, please have a designated driver or call for a ride. There are a lot of free services out there this evening to make sure you get home safe to make sure YOU and your loved ones can hit 2016 off with a bang.

Thank you all for hanging with me this year. I hope you're able to leave 2015 with a flare and bring 2016 pizazz. I will see ALL of you next year.

 Be safe and

Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Book Signing

Well Hello All. I'm not sure about you but I am loving this December weather we are having. Last year at this time New York was buried in snow.

I wanted to share with all of you that I will be having my first ever book signing. That's right, this girl will be out and ready to meet the pubic. (I'm trembling in my boot...I can do this!)

So on Dec 11, 2015 (5:50 pm-8:30 pm) I will be setup at Fran's Underground Bakery and Cafe. The Town of Victor, NY will be hosting a Wine and Arts Walk, and Fran's will be one of the stops.

I'm beyond EXCITED and hope I will see some of you there. I will have Hideaway Hill, Frozen and a few copies of The Chronicles of Amber Harris for sale. And of course I will be signing copies too.

This last week I've been getting ready for Friday and I believe today I have finally collected all goods and supplies needed for those who will be touring the walk.

Fran's Underground Bakery and Cafe-
Victor, NY Wine and Arts Walk-

My bookmarks!

If you are in the neighborhood, stop by!