Do you midnight snack? Or do you have other middle of the night habits that can be considered out the norm?
Sometimes in the middle of the night I wake up with the munchies or am plain starving. It's not every night, but it can happen a few times in a week or I can go months without waking up and seeking food. Depending on how hungry I am, I will snack on a piece of cheese, which I have to always break a small piece off for the cat. Or I have, and this is really bad, cooked myself something quick to gulp down before going back to sleep. What have I cooked you ask? Eggs (scrambled, over-easy, and poached), hotdogs, and grilled cheese sandwiches. I've also heated up poptarts, leftovers, and a few tv dinners. Chips, pretzels, and craisins are other food items that have been crammed into my mouth before going back to sleep. Plus, from time to time I will wake up with a craving for juice, forgoing the handy cup of water I keep by my bedside.
The other night as I ate my left over chicken wings from my lunch date with my mother earlier that day, I thought about where and how this strange habit came from.
As a child, mostly on weekend nights, I remember my father coming home late night (which looking back now probably weren't really that late, just seemed that way because of our bed time) and waking my brother and I up to join him and my mom in eating whatever treat he brought home. Usually it was a steak sub (my brother and I would share one), red hots (those of you not from Rochester, a red hot is a Zweigles hotdog, with meatsauce, and onions. You haven't eaten a real hotdog until you've had a Zweigles...just my opinion), or chicken wings. There maybe a few other foods out there that he brought home, but boy those three were the best! We would sit around the table, sleep in our eyes and chow down. Once we were finished it was back to bed. When I was older I would pretend to be asleep and the moment I heard the door open, I was out of the bed looking to see what treat he brought home. In my teens, and if I was home and still, awake when he came home...empty handed, he and I would sneak out the house to seek different places to grab a quick bite. I have to admit, we did end up in the Taco Bell line most of the time. Still it was our time to hang and talk and sometime people watch. The night time life can be one great show, if your in the right place at the right time.
I didn't know until I moved out that my father was carrying on a tradition his father used to do.
So the other night while I polished off my midnight snack, I thought it would be cool to be able to pass the same tradition off to my future children. There seem to be more late night places that are open and I can only imagine the goodies I could bring home. It seems a little weird, and unhealthy but I have fond memories, as I'm sure my dad does as well from growing up. I guess until I can pass the tradition on, I'll be munching away on whatever foods draw me from the bed in the middle of the night by myself.
I will admit that a few friends of mine have sneaked out the house in our pjs for food runs. They shall remain nameless!
Hi Everyone! I decided to start a blog to share the sometimes crazy thoughts, plots, rants and ideas that pop into my head. From time to time, I may even throw a book review in the mix. Your feedback is always welcome and I look forward to the conversations we shall share. Welcome to Reflections from Elle. Let's talk!
Sunday, July 27, 2014
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Free Ebook
This is the last week to get 'Hideaway Hill', my first romance novel free on Smashwords.
Use Promo Code: SW100

Colliding into love- that’s what most thought of when they saw Veronica Klark and Blake Darwood. Veronica and Blake were known as “the couple of Surpatch” and everyone assumed they were going to be together forever. Nothing could keep them apart, well, that is until it was time for Veronica to go away to college. Nine years later, after leaving Blake for the bright lights of a bigger city, Veronica is back. However, returning to the place she once called home with her new beau, Arthur Stentson isn’t as easy as she hoped. Blake, choosing to stay in Surpatch where he would one day take his place as Mayor, spent years trying to pick up the pieces of his broken heart. Learning to live his life without Veronica was finally going just fine, and probably would have continued that way if she had just stayed away. Now, Veronica and Blake must learn to deal with their feelings from the past and untold dilemmas of the present.
Preview Chapter 1:
Use Promo Code: SW100
Colliding into love- that’s what most thought of when they saw Veronica Klark and Blake Darwood. Veronica and Blake were known as “the couple of Surpatch” and everyone assumed they were going to be together forever. Nothing could keep them apart, well, that is until it was time for Veronica to go away to college. Nine years later, after leaving Blake for the bright lights of a bigger city, Veronica is back. However, returning to the place she once called home with her new beau, Arthur Stentson isn’t as easy as she hoped. Blake, choosing to stay in Surpatch where he would one day take his place as Mayor, spent years trying to pick up the pieces of his broken heart. Learning to live his life without Veronica was finally going just fine, and probably would have continued that way if she had just stayed away. Now, Veronica and Blake must learn to deal with their feelings from the past and untold dilemmas of the present.
Preview Chapter 1:
Saturday, July 19, 2014
Eventful Morning
This morning for the first time ever, I went kayaking. It was my mother's idea to go. She, for a team building experience has had the pleasure of kayaking before and thought we should give it a go today. Mind you, my mother and I are addicted to 'The Amazing Race'. We have watched every season, which for the past few years, we do over the phone, viewing the show via internet or during the scheduled programmed time. We debate who is the strongest for each challenge and we talk, yell, and assume that if we were there, we would be at the top of our game, never making the mistakes that the contestants make.
Today's recreational journey was a practice run for the day we finally do make it to The Amazing Race. I have to say, I was hesitant about going. My biggest fear is drowning. Believe me, I have it really bad. I've hyperventilated getting water in my nose and mouth in the shower! But my mommy promised me that she would keep me safe, so I agreed.
I thought the land around Bay Creek Paddling Center this morning would be the last piece of land I would ever see. I was advised before hand the water was only 3 feet deep, but I still stood uneasy at the dock waiting for our turn. Once I was in the kayak...which I kept calling a canoe, there was no turning back. We shoved away from the dock and in an instant, I realized my mother didn't have the expertise I thought she had for our journey. (Sorry mom!) We half floated have floundered to the middle of the creek. Water was running down the paddle and dripping on my pants and we were headed for the plant life. After figuring out that we needed to use the right paddle to go left and the left paddle to go right (and all the other paddlers moved very far away from us) we splashed further out into our serene trip.
I began singing," Left goes right and right goes left," and from time to time my mother would panic as we careened back into the cattail marches. We never really did figure out how to go straight. Thankfully everyone around us seemed to be more experienced and as we shouted, spun in circles, paddled backwards (something we back really good at) and crashed into the plants, they kindly avoided us, all while calling warm welcomes.
Today's recreational journey was a practice run for the day we finally do make it to The Amazing Race. I have to say, I was hesitant about going. My biggest fear is drowning. Believe me, I have it really bad. I've hyperventilated getting water in my nose and mouth in the shower! But my mommy promised me that she would keep me safe, so I agreed.
I thought the land around Bay Creek Paddling Center this morning would be the last piece of land I would ever see. I was advised before hand the water was only 3 feet deep, but I still stood uneasy at the dock waiting for our turn. Once I was in the kayak...which I kept calling a canoe, there was no turning back. We shoved away from the dock and in an instant, I realized my mother didn't have the expertise I thought she had for our journey. (Sorry mom!) We half floated have floundered to the middle of the creek. Water was running down the paddle and dripping on my pants and we were headed for the plant life. After figuring out that we needed to use the right paddle to go left and the left paddle to go right (and all the other paddlers moved very far away from us) we splashed further out into our serene trip.
I began singing," Left goes right and right goes left," and from time to time my mother would panic as we careened back into the cattail marches. We never really did figure out how to go straight. Thankfully everyone around us seemed to be more experienced and as we shouted, spun in circles, paddled backwards (something we back really good at) and crashed into the plants, they kindly avoided us, all while calling warm welcomes.
Here's a picture of us during a calm moment. Granted getting our phones out of our pockets without dropping the paddles or flipping the kayak was a challenge. In this picture we found a nice quiet place to float for a moment. It was a dead end so you can image use trying to turn around to get back out of there.
Only my mother would want me to try and spin around so she could take a picture of me. We crashed into the cattail shortly after this picture, too.
After about forty-five minutes we decided it would take us the rest of the time to splash back to land. By now my jeans were soaking wet and I was questioning if we could make it. I can assure you the trip back was just as eventful. This is also when my mom realized she didn't know how to get us up to the dock. We were out in the open making another big circle and almost missed the dock, again. Good thing my survival of the fittest skills kick in . I may not have had any experience with the out in the middle of the water thing, but I sure as heck wasn't going to be stuck in that two-man floating box forever. I flailed, got water in my mouth and poured more water into my lap getting us back to the dock. Truthfully, I did a good job of lining us up close enough for one of the employees to grab the kayak while we bailed out of it.
Me back on land, feeling slightly cocky that I lived!
All in all, it was fun. I don't know if I would do it again anytime soon. If I did, it would have to be in the same creek (there's no way the water could be any deeper than 3 feet). Amazing Race may need to wait a few more years...
Thanks mom.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
Creative Writing Workshop
Tonight I attended a monthly Creative Writing workshop. It's a blast and I'm always so impressed with the stories other writers come up with during the 10 minute writing prompt exercise we do at the beginning of our meeting.
I want to share my finished (unedited) story with you. Let's see if you can guess what we were supposed to write about.
'Do you see them,' Carrie whispers.
'Oh yeah,' I mumble, my words drowning in the rush of saliva now filling my mouth. It's the same sensation I get just before I invoke my five finger discount. First, the saliva pools in my mouth, like I'm about to take the first bite of a hot out of the oven slice of double chocolate fudge brownie with caramel. Then my hands start to twitch. With each spasm, my fingers curl and uncurl into tight balls, itching to hold my soon to be new possession. 'Make the rounds. Check to see how many employees are working,' I say to Carrie. It's hard to hide the joy in my voice, the rush of adrenaline surging through my body.
She nods and makes a quick loop around the small shop, checking all corners. She knows the routine well. My sight never leaves the case, but I feel her presence before she speaks.
'You're right. It's just the two of them.' Her breath comes faster and as one, we lean against the counter, trembling with excitement.
'May I help you?' calls the unsuspecting clerk.
This is it. I push away from the counter and smile in the direction of the approaching sales associate.
'Yes, we'd like to see some of your watches.'
'Of course. Which one?'
A small giggle slips from my lips as the glass case slides open.
'I'd like to see the one to your left,' Carrie pipes up, seeing how I'm having trouble controlling my excitement. 'Yes, that one right there,' she says as the older woman's hand hovers over the twenty-four karat, with a yellow diamond encrusted face-plate.
I feel a shudder zip through Carrie as she takes the watch from the older lady. As the clerk starts to shut the case I say, 'Wait, I'd like to see the silver one to your right please.'
'Dear, that watch is platinum,' she states matter of factually. I know, I think, almost bursting at the seams. Instead I say, 'Wow, platinum. It looks silver from here. Can I have a closer look?'
I sigh as the cool metal comes to rest in my hands. Like my sister's, this watch's face-plate is encrusted with diamonds too.
Carrie and I slip the watches on at the same time and hold them up to better examine them.
'Shoot that's my phone,' Carrie says and goes to dig in her pocketbook to retrieve it. 'Crap, this is important. Here, hold this for me,' say and pulls the watch off before dashing for the front door, yelling 'hello' over and over in the phone. 'It must be a bad reception,' she states, just as she collides into a sunglasses tower near the entrance. 'I'm so sorry,' she squawks but doesn't stop her beeline for the door. The other associate watches in disbelief while Carrie vanish out of sight, before she bends over to fix the stand and replace the fallen sunglasses.
My heart rate quickens. Will the associate still holding the key to the glass case go help her coworker? Of course she will! I stand admiring my watch, pretending the pay the mumbling clerk who is cleaning up Carrie's mess no attention. With one last glance at me, the older clerk drops the key back in her pocket and goes to help clean up the mess.
My moment has come. The second both women are bent over, inspecting the damaged merchandise, I bolt for the exit.
I'm out the door before the women realized they've been bamboozled.
'Hey! Come back here!' screeches from behind me as I round the corner.
People walking the street jump out my way. These are times I'm glad mom made me stay in track. I slow my pace when I no longer hear the sound of highs slapping the pavement, giving me chase. Around the next corner I go. When Carrie spots me, she revs the engine of the mustang (how we got the car will have to be another story), waving me on.
We both squeal and I climb into the car. Another day of good work finished. Between the watches we just lifted, and fur coats from the day before, it's time for us to move onto the next city. Carrie shifts the car into gear and I pull a crumpled sheet of paper from the glovebox. One more item can be check off of the Millionaire Scavenger Hunt List.
I want to share my finished (unedited) story with you. Let's see if you can guess what we were supposed to write about.
'Do you see them,' Carrie whispers.
'Oh yeah,' I mumble, my words drowning in the rush of saliva now filling my mouth. It's the same sensation I get just before I invoke my five finger discount. First, the saliva pools in my mouth, like I'm about to take the first bite of a hot out of the oven slice of double chocolate fudge brownie with caramel. Then my hands start to twitch. With each spasm, my fingers curl and uncurl into tight balls, itching to hold my soon to be new possession. 'Make the rounds. Check to see how many employees are working,' I say to Carrie. It's hard to hide the joy in my voice, the rush of adrenaline surging through my body.
She nods and makes a quick loop around the small shop, checking all corners. She knows the routine well. My sight never leaves the case, but I feel her presence before she speaks.
'You're right. It's just the two of them.' Her breath comes faster and as one, we lean against the counter, trembling with excitement.
'May I help you?' calls the unsuspecting clerk.
This is it. I push away from the counter and smile in the direction of the approaching sales associate.
'Yes, we'd like to see some of your watches.'
'Of course. Which one?'
A small giggle slips from my lips as the glass case slides open.
'I'd like to see the one to your left,' Carrie pipes up, seeing how I'm having trouble controlling my excitement. 'Yes, that one right there,' she says as the older woman's hand hovers over the twenty-four karat, with a yellow diamond encrusted face-plate.
I feel a shudder zip through Carrie as she takes the watch from the older lady. As the clerk starts to shut the case I say, 'Wait, I'd like to see the silver one to your right please.'
'Dear, that watch is platinum,' she states matter of factually. I know, I think, almost bursting at the seams. Instead I say, 'Wow, platinum. It looks silver from here. Can I have a closer look?'
I sigh as the cool metal comes to rest in my hands. Like my sister's, this watch's face-plate is encrusted with diamonds too.
Carrie and I slip the watches on at the same time and hold them up to better examine them.
'Shoot that's my phone,' Carrie says and goes to dig in her pocketbook to retrieve it. 'Crap, this is important. Here, hold this for me,' say and pulls the watch off before dashing for the front door, yelling 'hello' over and over in the phone. 'It must be a bad reception,' she states, just as she collides into a sunglasses tower near the entrance. 'I'm so sorry,' she squawks but doesn't stop her beeline for the door. The other associate watches in disbelief while Carrie vanish out of sight, before she bends over to fix the stand and replace the fallen sunglasses.
My heart rate quickens. Will the associate still holding the key to the glass case go help her coworker? Of course she will! I stand admiring my watch, pretending the pay the mumbling clerk who is cleaning up Carrie's mess no attention. With one last glance at me, the older clerk drops the key back in her pocket and goes to help clean up the mess.
My moment has come. The second both women are bent over, inspecting the damaged merchandise, I bolt for the exit.
I'm out the door before the women realized they've been bamboozled.
'Hey! Come back here!' screeches from behind me as I round the corner.
People walking the street jump out my way. These are times I'm glad mom made me stay in track. I slow my pace when I no longer hear the sound of highs slapping the pavement, giving me chase. Around the next corner I go. When Carrie spots me, she revs the engine of the mustang (how we got the car will have to be another story), waving me on.
We both squeal and I climb into the car. Another day of good work finished. Between the watches we just lifted, and fur coats from the day before, it's time for us to move onto the next city. Carrie shifts the car into gear and I pull a crumpled sheet of paper from the glovebox. One more item can be check off of the Millionaire Scavenger Hunt List.
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Free Ebook
Now until July 31st, the ebook version of, 'Hideaway Hill', will be free on Smashwords. I uploaded the first chapter of this story to the blog a few days ago. If you have a moment, stop by Smashwords and get your copy.
I'd love your feedback on the story.
Use Promo Code: SW100

Colliding into love- that’s what most thought of when they saw Veronica Klark and Blake Darwood. Veronica and Blake were known as “the couple of Surpatch” and everyone assumed they were going to be together forever. Nothing could keep them apart, well, that is until it was time for Veronica to go away to college. Nine years later, after leaving Blake for the bright lights of a bigger city, Veronica is back. However, returning to the place she once called home with her new beau, Arthur Stentson isn’t as easy as she hoped. Blake, choosing to stay in Surpatch where he would one day take his place as Mayor, spent years trying to pick up the pieces of his broken heart. Learning to live his life without Veronica was finally going just fine, and probably would have continued that way if she had just stayed away. Now, Veronica and Blake must learn to deal with their feelings from the past and untold dilemmas of the present.
I'd love your feedback on the story.
Use Promo Code: SW100
Colliding into love- that’s what most thought of when they saw Veronica Klark and Blake Darwood. Veronica and Blake were known as “the couple of Surpatch” and everyone assumed they were going to be together forever. Nothing could keep them apart, well, that is until it was time for Veronica to go away to college. Nine years later, after leaving Blake for the bright lights of a bigger city, Veronica is back. However, returning to the place she once called home with her new beau, Arthur Stentson isn’t as easy as she hoped. Blake, choosing to stay in Surpatch where he would one day take his place as Mayor, spent years trying to pick up the pieces of his broken heart. Learning to live his life without Veronica was finally going just fine, and probably would have continued that way if she had just stayed away. Now, Veronica and Blake must learn to deal with their feelings from the past and untold dilemmas of the present.
Wednesday, July 2, 2014
The Bite of Vengeance: The Devil's Gift Review
5 out of 5 stars!
What can I say? I love vampires!!! ‘The Bite of Vengeance:
The Devil’s Gift’, by Connor Wolf reminded me why I fell in love with the blood
sucking night walkers. As the story started, I wondered how the vampires would
be introduced to the story. With the author’s take on the creation of the world’s
deadliest creature, I found the story easy to read and it kept me yearning for
more. I enjoyed the in-depth, insights of the change from human to vampire. It
made me wonder for a while, what would it feel like to feel the transition from
mortal to immortal, to watch the world change throughout the centuries as I
stayed the same.
If you’re a true vampire lover, ‘The Bite of Vengeance’, is
a fantastic story to read. Connor has
taken a new twist on the vampire life with an action packed, (imagine the
Sherlock Homes movies with Robert Downey Jr. premeditating his opponents' weak
points before the real fight) blood thirsty revenge, all seen through the eyes
of a once holy, kindhearted, fatherly man. And the bonus is this story has been
left opened for a sequel…really looking forward to that too!
I received my copy of ‘The Bite of Vengeance: The Devil’s
Gift’ from the publisher for my honest review.
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